About me...

I am art school trained in Illustration and Fine Arts and I started off studying BA in Fine Art studies, which included English and literary studies, at Herts Regional College Ware. I then went on to study Fine Arts & Illustration (inc. graphic design) and later on Art History, at Stevenage College. After leaving my art school training, I went on to work for a magazine publisher in London and started off working in Illustration on various projects. A few years after this family commitments, bringing up my daughter and a cancer diagnosis, took over for a while, although I carried on with various art projects in between.  I have now got to a stage where life, and definitely my health are not getting in the way so much. I am now ready to focus more on myself again and rekindle art my career. I've gradually started to take on more commissions, which is why I decided to setup this website. 

  Cancer diagnosis..

After my first Melanoma diagnosis in 2016, it was a very worrying time, especially the not knowing what would happen next, but there is no point in worrying; I have always been a glass half full person and it was a positive attitude that really helped give me the  inner strength to deal with each new situation as it occurred. My perspective changed and this helped me focus on my creativity again.

I'm well for now and been back into my working routine for a while and these past few years have certainly been an intense period of change and growth for me. I have definitely discovered my inner strength; I don't know how sometimes but I have got through some pretty challenging experiences health wise. I definitely feel blessed to have come out the other side stronger... 

I am grateful to be well at the moment. This is more importantly, down to the dedicated medical teams and why its so important we share knowledge and expertise around the world, such as the vital work of ReSurge Africa.  

At the moment I am working mainly on   commissioned works.

I am continually working on my own collection of Artwork, inspired by our ever-changing world and its effects on humanity and wildlife. I have a huge passion for Amur Leopards!

I still get involved in working on a few Illustrative projects too. At present I'm working on writing and illustrating my own children's picture book.

Email : avasattic21@gmail.com for enquiries. 

I give a donation from my artwork sales directly to Resurge Africa via


 ReSurge Africa is my inspiration to help others. 

This is one of the charities I am in support of, but I plan to collaborate with other charities in the future too.  


Creating unique artwork, whilst giving to others.

I had always had the idea of combining my artwork with a charity, but wasn't until I was recovering from a few very major surgeries for Melanoma, that I became aware of the vital work of ReSurge Africa. We have such good standards of medical care in the UK and I could only imagine what my experiences would have been like if I was living in a poor area of the world, such as Sierra Leone and chose to help by giving back through my artwork. 

"ReSurge Africa really inspired me to give a little back through my artwork".

ReSurge Africa's main aims are to help bridge the gaps in healthcare by providing surgical training, incl. plastic surgery to surgeons and other vital supporting medical staff, such as anaesthetists, physiotherapists and nurses. Eventually this will lead to hospitals throughout West Africa, such as Sierra Leone, being self-sufficient and not needing much overseas help, other than ongoing support and further training.  

For example, in very underdeveloped countries, such as Sierra Leone, survival rates for any type of surgery are very low and patients do not have access to the same standard of facilities, but thanks to this charity things are vastly improving and vital we share our knowledge around the world.

For more info click on this link : - resurgeafrica.org 

I want to help this charity carry on vital work by giving back through my Artwork.

 I then thought about how I could get started, so I contacted Mr Odhran  Shelley, who I know from the St.Andrews Centre, Broomfield Hospital, but more importantly he is Chairman of ReSurge Africa.

Mr Shelley works predominantly at the National Burns Centre, St. James' Hospital, Dublin, where he is Director. He assisted me in putting me in touch with people who could help publicise  my fundraising efforts. I still get a few updates on their work, but they are on Facebook or visit their website resurgeafrica.org.   

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